Sunday, November 22, 2020

Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake

Waiting 6 years between blog posts is totally normal, right?

Last week, I saw a picture of a cheesecake that sparked something in my mind.  Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake, but I wanted my cinnamon rolls on top. 

Today, the recipe moved from my head to paper and my cheesecake came to life. 

It was as perfect as I had hoped.  Maybe even more so.  

Admittedly, I didn't let it chill overnight, which is pretty important. You can't blame me for not waiting!

Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake

Preheat oven to 350.  Fill a large roaster pan full of hot water, place on bottom rack.  

All ingredients at room temp.


1-1/2 cups Graham Crumbs

1/4 cup Sugar

1 tsp Cinnamon

6 tbls Butter

Pinch Salt

Bake @ 350 // 10 Mins



4 - 8oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Not Fat Free)

1/2 cup Sugar

1/2 cup Brown Sugar, packed

2 tbls Flour (Wondra, if you have it)

1 cup Sour Cream

1 tsp good quality Vanilla

1/2 tsp Salt

Cream together, scraping bottom of bowl.


When well combined:  One at a time, add 3 eggs and 2 yolks until just incorporated.  Don't overmix.


1 tube refrigerator cinnamon rolls, cut into quarters.  Icing reserved.

Roll in cinnamon/sugar (1 tbls + 1 tbls)

Lay on top of cheesecake

Sprinkle w/ any remaining cinnamon/sugar


Bake at 350 for 25 minutes, then reduce temp to 325 for 40 minutes.  Don't open the door.  

Cool in oven w/ door open for at least an hour. 

Chill in fridge 8 hours.

Gently warm or microwave the icing from the cinnamon rolls and drizzle over the top.